I a n n a . A n d r é a d i s

Olympic Truce - EKEXEIPIA - Athens 2004 le monde autour d’une flamme / the world around a flame (page 1/4)


"Every image, every picture of the flame, from the naïve to the most complex, whether sober or truly fantastic, all convey a trace of poetry. Every dreamer of the flame is a potential poet."

Gaston Bachelard

This project is produced within the framework of the exhibition « Athina by Art », which will take place in Athens during the summer of 2004 as part of the succession of cultural events organized during the Olympic Games by the the Municipality of Athens and the A.I.C.A. (Hellas Association of Art Critics)

Art critic and curator for the exhibition (concerning france) : Vassia Karkayanni-Karabelias

My project is for the flame to travel once more around the world in the name of peace. I proposed to artists, photographers and people from all over the world to take a picture of a flame in their country and send it to me via internet.

These pictures I have assembled in groups of 4, creating affinities, relations and poetic combinations.

The compositions are printed on canvas, 130 x 100 cm. Each picture is 54 x 41 cm. They are now exhibited in the historical centre of Athens throughout the summer 2004. (see the installation in situ)

This project was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the many participants, to all of whom I am truly grateful.

Also to Franck Bordas for the technical realization of the project.

Ianna Andreadis
